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Alzheimer's: These drugs are useless

The High Health Authority (HAS) said on Thursday that the fight against drugs for Alzheimer's disease on the market have an interest in "low".
Has not advocating the continuation of a systematic treatment SIPA

Note drugs against Alzheimer degraded. The Transparency Committee of the High Authority for Health Justice in effect a statement released Thursday that the molecules to combat against the disease have a medical "low". "The relationship between the effectiveness of these drugs and their side effects is considered low by the Transparency Commission" Has that explains the note of "the most modest effects", namely "efficiency versus placebo based primarily on cognition in short-term and whose clinical relevance is questionable. " Worse these drugs have the same "risk of adverse events that may require discontinuation of treatment (digestive disorders, including cardiovascular and neuro-psychiatric)" and "an increased risk of drug interactions because of polypharmacy in older patients usually ".
4 drugs reassessed

In its previous assessment, in 2007, the Transparency Commission had considered the SMR of anti-Alzheimer's as "important," despite "a report efficacy / low", and described the improvement in actual benefit of "minor ". Degradation announced Thursday, however, should have no impact on reimbursement, these drugs are reimbursed at 100%, as part of the ALD (long-term illness) Alzheimer's disease. It could however have an impact on drug prices.

"Four drugs have been revalued: Ebixa (Lundbeck), Aricept (Eisai), Exelon (Novartis Pharma and Reminyl (Janssen Cilag). None of the Transparency Commission who participated in the reassessment or any of the four experts on call for applications to provide a report of scientific expertise are a link of interest with one of these firms. The discussions, which began on July 20, was completed on October 19 "Has continues.
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