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Open question: Identity theft question?

Last year used someone my information, in order to lock purchases that I was not conscious. The following thing, which I, capital one could do, forms some pressing calls, which explain me that payment is overdue. Completely well knowing that I never caused an account with them, I returned its call, in order to form a debate. Politics of the capital one require that those, which are interested must be at the containment with them, 18 years and above. I was not 18 even at the time. The confirmed that I did not form any from those purchases. Now the school, which I visit, requires all class participant, to do a criminal examination of the prehistory and my name looked with someone elses. Which is more fascinating, it is that the address on the data base is not my present address however rather the address, which corresponds with on the debate. What can I do, in order to change this? Also as I do not know this person use my identity again? Thanks.
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