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Open question: Would you support or would continue to support Hauptkorporationen if you knew…?

They supported the Nazin? I did not see a program over public entrance to long ago that, which was shown, how Korporationsänderung think the way people. In WWII Coca-Cola wanted to obtain a profit in Germany, but they could not use the Kolabaum Kolabaum name, them beverage for the Nazin caused, which were called Fanta, and obtained a profit without nobody it knowing were a coke product. IBM had to help prototypes for computers at the same time to adjust and note the number of persons in the Jewish concentration camps, and which went profits helping IBM in NYC. There was a handful of other Korporationen, which supported Nazi Germany, which, they mentioned that I remind whale Mart on to be one from them to. In would you continue to support these companies this, know something, which happened 70 years before? I would not hold it against it. What over it?
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