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Open question: What can we do, if a free-hold flat connecting manager provokes the group and do not do authorized work over the building?

We are a part of a Kondominiumverbindung with three owners. We are in a difficult financial situation, in which an owner, who was responsible for the books for last 4 the 1/2, says that, years that he is paid right at the top on free-hold flat fees, but we must regard the bank excerpts. The other two of us were in the fees culpable, but I imbin term completely to be caught up. We had a Eigentumswohnungsitzung, which we did not agree, work over $100 to settle, until we had a meeting. We woke up, in order on the exterior of our building to be done to work on. We asked it, what it did. We explained to him that we none affirmatively to settle had work until we had a meeting. It provoked us and preceded and began to settle work over the building used Schindeln buying. What can we do in this situation?
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