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"How we killed bin Laden"

For the first time, a commander of the Navy reveals how its soldiers killed Osama bin Laden, just 90 seconds after entering his stronghold in Pakistan.
Bin laden killed Navy SEAL
The men who killed the leader of Al Qaeda decided to speak, irritated by criticism of politicians questioning the professionalism of their intervention and accusing them of having acted solely in order to kill the enemy number 1 the United States.
Osama bin Laden Killed
They argue that the goal was to capture bin Laden, but the leader of Al Qaeda was not determined to let it go. "Our mission was by no means to kill, otherwise we would have fired more than 12 bullets". The details of the raid, dubbed Operation Neptune Spear, are revealed in a book written by the former Commander Chuck Pfarrer.

"I worked 30 years in the army and I never heard the term" mission to kill "is an expression imagination, if you only want to kill, you do not send people to risk their lives, just throw grenades at the target, "says he in the" Daily Mail ".

Obama criticized
He added that his men were angry against President Barack Obama for announcing the death of bin Laden just hours after the mission on 1 May 2011. "No politician in the world could resist the urge to recover the laurels of such a decision, but in doing so he has devalued our work."

"The men who managed to get bin Laden deserved better than that. It is quite disrespectful to thank their commitment."

Bert and Ernie 
bitter seals tell of killing bert laden picture
The book "Target SEAL Geronimo, The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama bin Laden" also reveals that the nicknames given to bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri were Bert and Ernie, from Sesame Street dolls. The nickname of the team was, in turn, Jedi.
Target SEAL Geronimo, The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama bin Laden book cover
He also explained that the leader of al Qaeda has tried to protect himself by placing his youngest wife, Amal, in front of him. Shots were exchanged. Finally, bin Laden was hit in the sternum and the head, killing him instantly.
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